Watch Out For These Top 5 Dog Diseases .

There are so many ailments and diseases which affect your dog’s health.  However, some of these diseases are more predominant than others and you may have to deal with them at least for once during your lovable pooch’s life. So you should know the signs of these types of diseases to get correct treatments in time and prevent them from getting worse.


Here is a list of some dog diseases that you may definitely recognize and some you might not. Almost all these diseases are preventable.

  1. Arthritis

Arthritis is a common health problem in dogs. It occurs when the cartilage around the joints tears or wears down. The causes of arthritis may include obesity, age, inherited conditions or trauma. A dog with arthritis may show symptoms such as moving stiffly, swelling on joints or limping.  You cannot cure the arthritis totally, but under the guidance of your known vet, you can minimize its effects.

  1. Canine Herpes

It is one of the fatal diseases in dogs. The symptoms of the canine herpes are lack of coordination, tender abdomen, yellow-green feces and many more. If you suspect that your dog has canine herpes, you should rush your pooch to a certified vet for an emergency treatment.

  1. Obesity

It is one of the common diseases in dogs. Obesity in your dog may lead to other illnesses such as diabetes and arthritis. You can prevent the obesity in your dog by making sure it receives an adequate exercise and a balanced diet.

  1. Canine Distemper

It is one of the preventable diseases when you provide proper vaccinations to your pooch. Canine distemper affects the respiratory tract and central nervous system. The symptoms of this disease are nausea, vomiting, depression and fever. Never skip this vaccination, because the canine distemper can be a fatal.

  1. Lyme Disease

Ticks, those are already infected with Lyme disease can transmit this disease to your pooch. The symptoms of this disease are stiffness, swelling, pain, weakness and fever. You can prevent your dog from this disease by keeping it protected from dog fleas and ticks and giving one of the best dog care medicine such as Frontline Plus For Dogs, which kills the ticks and fleas effectively without side-effects.

Like these ways, you can identify the diseases and possibly prevent them with the help of your well-known vet that will definitely help you to keep your dog healthy for a long time.

Remember, you read this essential dog health care info on GenericFrontlinePlus, your one-stop online shop to seize all types of pet medications at affordable prices.

Why Do Dogs Rub Their Faces Into Carpet?

Dog rubbing face in carpet
Source: Pixabay

Sometimes, your dog’s paws do not do that trick of massaging its furry face. But the carpet or mat in the house has all the tools. There is a reason for your dog to rub its face against the carpet. It can be as simple as a need to clean itself up or sometimes it can be more than that and not so simple.

  • Messy Face

Your dog likes and keeps roaming to its favorite places in the house and around the house, such as yard, and thus picks up a few small insects along the way. These freeloaders stick to its face and your dog just hates the feeling of, just as humans do, something foreign element, such as food particles or grass insects or burrs, being on its face. Thus, your dog will rub and twist its face and head into the mat or carpet and act very weird to get that thing on it off. Continue reading

Indoor Exercising Ideas For Your Dog


All pets need exercise regardless of the weather or any other thing. But sometimes, due to some difficult situations, it becomes just impossible for you to take the dog out for exercising. Here are some indoor activities which can be good exercises, too.

  • Kibble Hunt

Kibble will be finished in a minute, if placed in the dog’s food bowl; instead you can use that food as a treat and put it to work making your pet hunt for it with its smelling sense. Hide the small piles of that food in the house in “easy-to-access” areas for the dog and then release the pet to Kibble Hunt. Continue reading

Vital Points Of Good Health Of A Dog

Good health of dog
Source: Pixabay

Your pet relies on you about its good health. Regular exercise, grooming, and a proper diet will help keep your dog fit and healthy. It is also important for you, as a pet owner, to know the habits of your dog right from eating and drinking to sleeping.

This will surely help since a variation in these habits can be an indication that your dog is not feeling well. For now, check out these important points about a dog’s good health. Continue reading