Tips For Adopting A Newborn Kitten

Source: Pixabay

Are you thinking of adopting a little newborn kitten? They are tinier, cute and sweet, but adopting a newborn kitten is an around the clock job. There are a lot many things the owner should take care of when thinking of bringing them home.

Food, Health, Shelter and care are the main things but apart from it, infections, injuries, flea control are also vital as various diseases and complications may also affect their health. Fiprofort Plus For Cats And Kittens is one of the most effective methods approved by a pet vet that prevents as well as controls flea infestation.

Consider the following points that the owner should know and do when bringing the little kitten in.

1. Place For The Newborn Kitten To Live
A comfortable, clean, safe and warm place should be created for the new kitten. Since the baby cat is away from his mother, she will prefer to sleep near the place where you sleep. The kitten’s room should be entirely cleaned to get rid of any hazardous objects and allergens. The cage and bedding where the kitten will be living should be vacuum cleaned or washed thoroughly and also keep the other pet away if you have any.

2. Feeding The Kitten
The kitten should be fed with artificial milk throughout the day as she would be away from her mother. Feeding the kitten with the bottle may not be easy, so hold in a clean towel and feed to avoid things from getting messy. Ask the vet about the type of artificial milk products to be used and the techniques to enhance their digestive health.

3. Grooming The Young Kitten
Grooming is also important to avoid the flea infestation among the young kittens. Fleas are very dangerous, they may affect their health and can cause anemia. But, it can be controlled by using commercial products that are available in the market such as Fiprofort Plus For Cats And Kittens which is effective in controlling it. Gently washing with mild soap and combing can also be the other way to lead off the fleas. By using a soft cotton ball or damp cloth, rub the kitten genitals gently to urinate and defecate, as the kitten cannot do it on their own. This is also an important part of grooming.

4. Restrict The Pet
Until the newborn kitten is 6 to 8 weeks old and has had the basic vaccination, do not let pet to be in the room. This is important as either of the pet could be carrying the infection that can lead to the disease. Special precaution should be taken for this as the kitten’s immune system is not able to handle the infection.

5. Regular Check-up
If the owner notice any health problem or infection, then immediate visit to a vet is necessary along with regular vaccinations for a healthy kitten.

Adopting a newborn kitten is not an easy task, as they completely rely on their mother or the caretaker (owner) for their survival during the first few weeks. The owner should take proper precautions as above along with proper food and shelter for a complete care of a healthy kitten.

GenericFrontlinePlus provides relevant information on pet’s health, care and safety, along with a pet vet approved medications for cat’s health.

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