Ways To Love Your Dog

Touch-love-your-dogWhen you come back from work and have a pet such as dog at home, the moment you enter the house, you will first see him waiting for you, wagging the tail, spinning around and greeting with enthusiasm.

Pets play a very important role in our life whether it is a dog, cat or any other. The most important thing that any pet wants from you is love, they want you to love them and be close to them. There are many ways that you should know as how to love them.

Ways to Love Your Dog

Touch your dog

Take your dog with you if sitting for reading a book or watching TV. Most of the dogs enjoy being scratched/touched on side of the neck, chest or behind the ears.

Many of the dogs also enjoy hugs and kisses or being touched and this makes them feel that you love him. If your dog loves this, use this way or otherwise avoid it if he moves away and sits alone.

Allow your dog to lean on you or put his head on your lap if he wants to, this indicates that your pet wants to be close to you.

Play with them

You should play games with your dog that he enjoys such as ‘Hide and Seek’ that do not involve much of dashing and rough play.

Spend some time with your dog and take him for a walk every day. Cherish and give respect, be kind, considerate and caring and treat him like your family member.

Give them a comfortable place to live

The dog should also have a comfortable place of his own to sleep or sit. Avoid places near storage room, piles of boxes or washing area, also avoid to get him near the way of people’s walking or in cage, they should get a free and warm place.

Try and understand them

Understanding means trying to know his body language as to what your dog is trying to tell you.

If the dog wanted to be alone than he may turn his head and walk away, or an anxious dog may lick his lips and yawn. The dog that goes stiff might be dangerous and ready to bite.

A dog with forwarded ears, high held tail and closed mouth is one busy thinking about something and doesn’t bother about anything.

Good Nutrition

A well-balanced and high quality food with good nutrition should be given to the dog. Many good commercial foods are available for pets. Also set a regular and consistent time for feeding.

Give them rewards

Similarly as we give rewards to small children, if he does something good, dogs should also be treated or praised with a reward if he does something right. Give him a chewbar or chew treat that are long-lasting to enjoy. Many healthy treats are also available that are specially made for dogs.

Dog needs are very simple, they just want them to be respected and loved and if their needs are satisfied they would be happy. All pet needs are not the same, some pet need one thing and the other need more than that. So stick to general guidelines and you will be sure that your pet knows how much you love him.

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